Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Living Things At Home

It's amazing how our Frangipani (or Plumeria) has bloomed a few weeks after we brought it home. Well, initially it withered and there was only one miserable leaf left on the stem... and still one leaf. So we decided to place the pot on top of our A/C condenser outside the kitchen, where it gets the most sun. Then one morning we noticed one partially bloomed yellow flower among the many flower buds. And when we got home that evening, we were delighted to find that more flowers have bloomed. Thanks to Aunt D who donated a stem from her Frangipani tree :) It's one of my fav plant.

While waiting for the Frangipani to be revived, we bought a Periwinkle from the nursery just to add some colors to our balcony. Turned out it is still doing well too!

Our Basil plant is also doing fine though a little bald and sad looking. But when we need herbs for cooking, we just reached out of the window to pluck some leaves :) It has survived our ill treatment after being left in a small pot and shady area for a long time.

We will next get a Citronella plant to repel mosquitoes as they seemed to be quite a nuisance lately.

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