Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gospel Rally

It's been a long time since I last attended a Gospel Rally. The first time I attended an evangelical meeting was with my grandma and mum, who brought me to the Billy Graham Crusade at the National Stadium in 1978. I wouldn't say that it changed my life, as I was too young to really know what was going on. But I did come out of the stadium feeling really good and covered by God's love, and knew where to lay a firm foundation. It was an amazing turn out and a turning point for many who attended.

Interestingly, I got to meet Billy Graham a second time and it was at the Toronto Sky Dome for an evangelical rally as well. He was already in his 70s then. This time, I got to participate in the combine churches choir that rendered some songs and lead in the worship for the service. I still have the purple polo tee that was given to the choir as the uniform. :)

These 2 nights, our VOP choir is privileged to render some songs at the Chinese Gospel Rally organised by 4 denomination of churches. The rally was entitled 'Who holds tomorrow?' The preacher came from China, and he had with him an influential man who shared his life testimony. James Chu is the man who started the first MacDonald's in Singapore (Liat Tower), Hong Kong and China. He shared about how proud he was of his achievements, his plans, and how he eventually came to accept the Lord as his personal Saviour.

The preaching and testimony moved many to come forward to accept Him as personal Saviour. We were also very touched by the sharing, and there were indeed alot of prayer and effort that went into preparing this event. There were probably more than 2000 people in the hall, and it is the first time that we presentedto such a large audience. We certainly hope that our music has ministered to the people.

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