Monday, May 14, 2007


Yesterday was just like any other Sunday. In the morning, I taught the kids some craft work for Mother's Day. After church we went out for lunch at a Beef Ball House at Joo Chiat Road. We went home after that to re-charge and left for VOP practice at 6 pm.

While at VOP they celebrated Mother's Day, but not before Mr Ong announced that it was also my birthday, along with another Alto lady Kathleen. So it was nice to have powerful vocals singing their birthday blessings. We had a nice mango cake and ate lots of home-cooked food. :)


Jenni said...

Happy Birthday!!! And sounds like you had a great day....well birthdays are always filled with great fun and happiness...and well for some more fun also visit my blog on Birthday Wishes sometime and check out all that i've posted there!!!

ShanMing 善明 said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. You deserve it! :-)